how does it currently work in places in the US where you don't have to present any ID for voting, how do they find out that you're eligible to vote?

@lain that's the thing, they don't

@lain as far as ive heard atleast. though a lot of it is a case of not required but it'll probably still be checked

@lain voter registration card. to get a voter registration card you have a couple of options including but not only producing ID or a birth certificate. It's possible in some places to get registered if another voter in the district attests that you're you.

I don't know about every state but if you don't have everything you need on voting day you can still vote and it's considered provisional on providing needed information later.

@lain when you show up they have a list of registered voters and they check against the list.

@lain people actually defend all this stupid shit instead of just using a national or state id, the reason such ids exist in the first place.

@sun @lain I thought id was just so you could purchase vices in a traceable way

@sun @lain I say driver license or state id but lefty hipsters are stupid as f saying it's racist no if I was a voter volunteer give me id they do it atleast in my city I don't know about my state

@sun @lain like lot of times you need to id like I had to use if to buy booze I remember another for my employment office I can't remember the reason but I did.

@nosleep @lain passport is national id. I don’t really care if people don’t travel just get the fucking id

@lain iirc in Pennsylvania each polling place has a big book of signatures, and you sign it

@nosleep @lain I used to know a guy who lived in Missouri and he was 54 and he’d never left Missouri.

@nosleep @lain America is great in a lot of ways tbh

@nosleep @lain @sun yeah for me i only been to 4 states kansa, iowa wisconin and illinose. imagine idoit me trying to go to japan for a week.

@nosleep @lain @iceloops yeah but maybe we do a trip inside the USA togethet sometime first

@nosleep @lain @sun maybe one day. i guess hunt for cheap gundams

@iceloops @nosleep @lain you can always visit me in Miami (after new year)

@sun @nosleep @lain i can see going to californa but i'd probably look a hobo to them

@sun @lain @nosleep one of these days never been to the east or west before


Just realized I’m expired. Better fix that, trying to plan a trip to glorious nippon

@nosleep @lain

@nosleep @lain @sun ackshually there are more americans who have a passport than russians (42 vs 29 percent)

@nosleep @lain @rin what they don’t tell you is: it’s a Mexican passport.

@sun @nosleep @lain bro, a passport is like $200. A state ID is like $25.

Do not get a passport unless you have money to throw away or actually need it.

@marine @nosleep @lain I just mean that as a country we should normalize having a national id. It should be subsidized to get everyone on it

@sun @nosleep @lain correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the point of the REALID shit?

@marine @nosleep @lain realid is effectively a national id because the state info is all standardized and fed into one federal database so yes but it’s still not live after years because states suck

@sun @nosleep @marine @lain normalize not having or needing an id
normalize not wasting time filling out forms and waiting in lines
normalize not freaking out over the possibility that a teenager might drink a beer

@skylar @nosleep @marine @lain I would remove the need for id almost everywhere but require it for voting

@sun @nosleep @lain yeah, I saw it got pushed back to next year. Meanwhile, I have on my (redacted) state ID real ID and have had do since 2018.

@marine @nosleep @lain and next year it will get pushed back again

@sun @nosleep @marine @lain why don't we just remove voting too
that way everyone can just shut the fuck up about politics forever and we won't have to hear about it.
the TV can do a longer segment on the weather forecast and less about Dementia Man and the Orange Retard (i think it's some superhero comic? idk i don't read those)
no one will go around putting trash in your mailbox or pestering you about vooting

@skylar @nosleep @marine @lain I haven’t internalized yet that voting is a scam

I agree 100% though I have been surprised multiple times how many times that was not "enough" to verify me but a couple random pieces of paper instead that I could forge with no effort does. Mind you I can't speak for all states just Ohio, but seems to track other places based on what I have seen. The chain of trust is nonsense
@nosleep @lain

@sun @nosleep @marine @lain @skylar voting is a scam but you should still do it
always 90% chance of your vote not mattering but once in a while you get snap election called and the whole country has 36 hours to register, that's a good 5~10% of voters left out
being ready and able to vote is preparedness just like having a bug out bag is
you don't know if it's even gonna matter but you're gonna feel dumb as hell if it does and you're not ready

@lain Most states still require a valid ID for voting in person. There used to be trust with absentee voting because few people used it and signatures were supposed to be verified against the database re ord from your valid. That loophole has been exploited.

@skylar @nosleep @marine @sun i live in a monarchy and it's wonderful, no politics

@lain @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun shouldve moved to liechtenstein smh

@teto @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun hard to move to and taxes too high, but otherwise great

@teto @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun it’s alright actually

@lain @nosleep @marine @teto @skylar @sun just like finland huh


@hj @nosleep @marine @teto @skylar @sun it drops below 20

@lain @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun glaub hab die 5% nur mal irgendwo gehoert aber kein research betrieben. Einkommenssteuer geht bis max 24% aber kein plan worunter dein cryptozeugs faellt

@teto @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun auf jeden fall mehr als 0%

@lain @nosleep @marine @skylar @sun 0% aber man muss in der wueste leben, naja

@lain @marine @nosleep @skylar @sun europe hat genug mikrostaaten wo man irgendwie die mitte noch finden koennte, meiner meinung nach

@teto klar, die lassen einen aber nicht so leicht rein

@lain wo ein wille ist usw

@teto macht mir nix aus, vom gesparten Geld kann man gut woanders hin wenn einem danach ist

@lain @nosleep @marine @teto @skylar @sun is that robbie rotten?

@hj @lain @marine @nosleep @skylar @sun @teto No, that's Larry the A-rab.

@p @nosleep @marine @teto @lain @skylar @sun Leisure Hijab Larry

@hj @lain @marine @nosleep @skylar @sun @teto That movie was three hours long and it was probably some kind of absolute optimum for turning "A dude gets so pissed off that he reverses the course of every war in his vicinity" into a really boring movie. Like the theoretical maximum amount of fun removed from a thing.

@sun @lain Here the local polling place has a register of the people in their region, so they cross the name off the list when you arrive and tell them who you are and where you live. You can cast a provisional ballot if they don't have you on the list. The CA Secretary of State's website takes a street name and a zip code and tells you which polling place to go to.

Robbie Rotten's FABULOUS brother, getting oil up in the hot Saudi Arabian desert.

@NonPlayableClown @hj @nosleep @marine @teto @lain @skylar @sun He does have a, uh, "young ward" in the movie but they had to do that in movies at the time in order to keep the producers interested in the movie.

Also in the historical sense Britain got what they want and just owned the oil fields and land.
Dude literally got manipulated to run complete retards to run for office that got controlled by them.

@NonPlayableClown @hj @nosleep @marine @teto @lain @skylar @sun The most clever thing che did was not confusing "great general" with "great statesman".

@teto @nosleep @marine @lain @skylar @sun doesn't the lichtenstein prince himself live in fucking austria or smthn

@themilkman @nosleep @marine @lain @skylar @sun no. He has a castle and lives there

@teto @nosleep @marine @lain @skylar @sun goes to austria for groceries tho teto_haha

i swear i heard years ago people joking about it all the time