So i have been working my way through the second #PhoenixWright games, and after loving Apollo Justice (PW 4) way more than I thought I would I can not say the same for Dual Destinies (PW 5). Like this game has just not good characters, trials, or really any remote sense of reality. Like I know these games are always a bit off the rails and hammed up. But I mean come on stomping a trial MULTIPLE times for a quick "therapy session" where all you do is lead a witness to say stuff that benefits you the defense is beyond moronic and would not even be remotely tolerated, and that is saying a lot for this games threshold of crazy.

Like I get they need to mix stuff up and add new mechanics but man this was not the way to do it. This character was a mistake

I am almost done with the third trial of this game which was frustrating in its own right since neither side makes any sense when the real answer is right in front of them. I still plan to finish this trilogy I just hope the series picks back up again and this does not predict it just getting worse.