Really frustrated that I can't find an easy way to have dl-stream run once someone goes live automagically. This may be something I just need to make myself.

and done blobfoxcomputer

It is far from perfect but good enough for now. Should clean some things up and make it look a bit nicer soon. Do you know if dl-stream is any better than Streamlink?
I've not heard of dl-stream but this script looks useful

@Baa dl-stream uses streamlink. The reason I prefer to use it over straight streamlink is due to some of the quality of life features. For example using TTVLOL to try and get around ads in the vods, and just converting the stream to a MP4 once the stream is downloaded.

You can read more about it on its project page:

Might be easier to just use streamlink directly and use the parameters dl-stream does because I can not seem to get it to kill the streamlink subprocess cleanly when killing dl-stream ablobpanic

We are getting into "This script is gonna need a config file" territory which idk why but shes the program into a whole other tier of effort and complication in my brain. a2bboom