mangeurdenuage went full incelcore after his dog had died

@dwaltiz incelcore ?

@dwaltiz I am much confused.

@mangeurdenuage cute anime couples
hoe_math pua woowoo
endless greentext stories about tfwnogf.png and literallyme.jpg

though you did diversify your content a bit recently after toriyama's death

My dogs death isn't especially the reason.
With my father chasing some psycho whore, who recently got a prison sentence for child murder btw. His suicide attempt. My mother's mental health. My own physical, as I again damaged my body to help my parents, and mental health/suicide attempt.
When that happened it accumulated on the overall context of my family self destructing itself.
I can dream can I ?

I won't say I don't like hoe_math as he's technically correct, I very much don't agree n the form he's doing it even tho I agree it's purposefully humorous/fun.
Much of his work can be again brought back to NVC. But I won't say it's useless as some people will more easily evolve with such content than with starting with NVC.

>pua woowoo
What ? akko_woozy

>endless greentext stories about tfwnogf.png and literallyme.jpg
I'm not saying it does not reflect any of my issues but that's just overall shitposts I did post more than just that. I even stuff I don't understand or read.

@mangeurdenuage what a well written and thought out response. Keep posting what you want, it is enjoyed. Also hope all gets better for you.

@mangeurdenuage @dwaltiz seems like this was deleted off youtube lol
"are you braindead, incel mixtape"