Has anyone ever actually beaten the original Legend of Zelda on NES?

@alex Yeah. It takes about two hours.

@alex I did this year, was quite the trip. Was worth it for the expereience

@NEETzsche Two hours? That’s just how long it takes to collect enough rupees for the candle and the big shield. only speedrunners, and only any%

@alex 1st and 2nd quest many times, including once last year

@TeaTootler Holy shit I forgot there’s a second quest

@NEETzsche @alex I can never remember where that fucking sword is in the graveyard....

@alex @NEETzsche Yeah it is doable I did mine in a few hours.

@rain @alex How do you guys feel about this neoretro renaissance shit that I’ve been hearing about?

@sevvie From what I can tell, it seems the way to beat this game is bombs.

@alex beat it 4 times last night while i was giving your mom a "back rub"

@alex not that hard. zelda 2, on the other hand bombs, get the raft early, and more bombs than you thought

@sky999999 True, I think I could beat Zelda 1. I don’t think I’ll beat Zelda 2 in this lifetime.

@alex As a kid, I remember taking forever to find the silver arrow. I would even sheepishly ask people at parties if they had done so, never with any luck.

@alex nothing makes me feel more retarded than trying to beat ocarina of time

@alex I rented it from the video rental Store once, I didn't get it at all

@alex Only ever played and finished Link's Awakening.