@rain hello 02_hi

@waifu Hello ablobwave

@rain Nice to meet you, I'm waifu, you do some work with grans and nft thingies right? I've seen you in the discord server but there's a lot of channels and they confused me a bit that's why I haven't been active over there, I did intended to make more posts and art maybe now in December since I missed October with the spook month and all that teru_offu. Anyways, hope we get along 02_yee

@waifu Oh I wish I was that skilled, I just idle there from time to time blobblush . I appreciate such the formal and polite introduction. Sorry if the follow seemed sudden just excited my the melon avatar and liked your posts I have seen. I hope we get along as well blobsmile

@rain it's not a problem, I know not everyone is there for a shitposty introduction saying something like "identify urself bub 🔫wataifu", so I do serious introductions from time to time. I am indeed some shitposty at times but lately been doing lots of OC, specially dailyrat hashtag and posts with the pleroma-tan model, it's been quite fun.