Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 9
RimWorld (2013)
Day 9
RimWorld (2013)
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 8
DJ Max Portable (2006)
Day 8
DJ Max Portable (2006)
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 7
Mega Man 8 (1996)
Day 7
Mega Man 8 (1996)
I hate #dnf with all my heart
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 6
Dark Souls Remastered (2018)
Day 6
Dark Souls Remastered (2018)
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 5
Transistor (2014)
Day 5
Transistor (2014)
No two 1GB modules will help you stream better. And if you can't even say the model of a computer without mumbling into oblivion I highly doubt you will get any viewers anyway.
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 4
StarCraft (1998)
Day 4
StarCraft (1998)
@coolboymew Yeah I played it back when it leaked a week or so back. It is worse than bad, it is boring & forgettable.
Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge
Day 3 (Whoops missed some days )
NieR:Automata (2017)
Day 3 (Whoops missed some days )
NieR:Automata (2017)
Like if you are gonna give me yet another reminder about this election can you at least make sure your car has the right date on it...
Sometimes people just miss the point of an ending and just want more slop.