Rain |

Just a lonely boy living on his own instance (Now with SO).
Natural screw up, who often can not make a proper post.
Normally I just post about whatever my ADHD hyper focus at the moment is.

I deal in Random Access Memory & Random Access Memory Accessories


Alt account (when I break my instance):

"Linux challenge" videos are just ragebait for actual GNU/Linux users.

At least I was able to off load that extra Elden Ring DLC code I had to someone who will actually use it.

being social is difficult when you isolate yourself

Talk about a two for one hit on the chances of me getting a kidney transplant.

I have to have a "support person" who can go with me to all my appointments and such. Well I have no one who can do that. The closest family member near me lives over an hour away and it questionable on reliability.

Also one of my main people who would be able to donate a kidney to me it flaking. Which I mean is fine, I don't expect it from anyone but don't say you would do it if you wont.

I guess I will just die lol blobdead

To anybody feeling lost on the fedi, don't forget

Getting kinda nervous we do not have a date for #OLF this year

@pwm let those tacos spin

Side note, I like how #FlipperZERO apps have the file extention of `.fap`

I like that I was so excited for my #FlipperZERO, spent so much time researching it, getting firmware set up, looking up apps/scripts/etc.

In the end a month or so later, it has two active uses:
1. A mouse jiggler
2. Fixing the waiting room TV for old people at dialysis

Still don't regret buying it though.

@sun Thats okay I am too recently coming off a few month long unneeded tech buying binge my self.

@sun That makes sense! Thanks for filling me in

@sun Call me uncultured, but what are those runes under each letter on the keys?

Steam Summer Sale 2024 will begin tomorrow
