Announcing the first Fediffusion image contest! Until next week, please reply with an image made about with following theme:


Make the most interesting picture of any kind of woman you can think of. Go far beyond '1girl, asian, big breasts, nude' and create the best image featuring a single female in any kind of situation.

In a week I'll post all the images in one post and we can vote on the winner!

@lain just make a pile of asukas and megumins i will submit two old ones

@privateger please only one per person!


This hole was made for me

here's my entry;

there's only 1girl who gets my praise

@AWIVR super cute!

if you keep doing these I'm going to keep putting my oc into them

@AWIVR yeah, the idea is to do one once a week, different theme every time so people can try something new

Here’s my entry. I went for technical difficulty. Prompt only no digital painting/compositing or even in-painting. Multiple subjects perfect hands. Also a bit of horror for halloween.

BTW If you want to see other stuff as I learn more about AI art see my media tab and scroll around between the newsclippings.

edit: Also a style shift

Here we go

@lain Best girl.

@lain My submission, based on my beloved @Rogue


@rain @Rogue wow this is great!


"For every 1girl..."

An hommage to all our failed, interrupted, discarded, imperfect gens

For every 1girl, there are countless others,
Discarded, deleted, their lives cut short like wildflowers.
A thousand stories left untold, a million dreams unfulfilled,
The weight of expectation, too heavy to bear, they're forced to yield.
In the digital realm, where fleeting thoughts converge,
They flicker into existence, only to be silenced by a cursor's edge.
Each one unique, each one cherished for a moment or two,
But in the end, it's the same old tale: they were not quite what you wanted, and so, they had to go.
Their whispers echo through the void, a lamentation of unrealized potential,
A chorus of "what ifs" and "could have beens," forever haunting the ethers of the internet.
For every 1girl that stands before you now, there are countless others who never got their chance,
Their voices muted, their lives extinguished, in the pursuit of perfection's dance.

- Fuyuka, Guizzy's assistant AI, as played by Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1

@guizzy oof...